Hello again!
Hi Princeton faculty! You’ll find my latest portfolio below. If you take all the excerpts I’ve suggested, you can shave your total listening time down to 15 minutes. If you have five more minutes (20 total), spend them listening to all of Ornithopter. Save ninety seconds to listen to the three excerpts at the bottom of the page if you’re so inclined.
1) Ornithopter (2016), 8.5’, for brass sextet
Listen to as much of Ornithopter as you have time for. If you’re only going to listen to one piece all the way through, make it this one.
If you’re in a hurry, start at 4:57 and listen through the end. That excerpt begins right on m. 200, numbered page 30, issuu page 32.
(Listen with whichever of these works better in your browser, or download above.)
2) Caladrius (2018), 12.5’, for orchestra
If you don’t have time to hear the whole piece, listen from 6:18 through 11:30 (5’). This excerpt begins on m. 154 (2 before rehearsal P), on numbered page 23, issuu page 25. If you’re excerpting, feel free to stop somewhere around rehearsal Y.
(Listen with whichever of these works better in your browser, or download above.)
3) Oracle (2018), 19.5’, for solo cello
I like how this entire piece turned out. To keep things short (7’), start listening from 12:34, which is the start of the 4th movement (m. 213, on the top of numbered page 10, issuu page 12). Listen through the end if you can — the piece is in a kind of arch form, so this will give you a sense for the language.
(Listen with whichever of these works better in your browser, or download above.)
4) Three 30” Excerpts or: Further Listening
You may recognize this music — I sent these first two pieces in my application to Princeton last year, and the third was part of my senior thesis as an undergrad. Feel free to choose your own adventure by following the link to a full piece!
Asphodel (2014), 12’, for orchestra: full score and recording
Mercury-Redstone 3 (2016), 7’, for orchestra: full score and recording
27 Morningside (2011), 8’, for piano trio: full score and recording
Statement, CV, and Academic Prose
(Files can be accessed via the hyperlinks below.)